![]() I enjoy watching the Broncos. Mostly, I like the football snacks my uprights provide. Generally, I’m a very well trained dog and a good dog, but I do enjoy sneaking a chip every now and then. My upright should have named me Ninja! I stole a chip from a bowl without even knocking it off the table. In fact, no one knew I stole the chip until they saw me munching on something crunchy! Whenever I watch the Broncos I wear my lucky scarf. They always win when I wear it! I also enjoy the commercials. My upright likes to teach me tricks during the commercials. This usually involves more chips or dog treats. We practice some of the tricks I know well such as sit, hi-five, and roll over, then we progress to new tricks. The length of commercials is a perfect time for dog training. It’s just long enough to practice something new, but not too long to make me bored or tired. My upright and I have been reading some new books about dog training. I’ve listed some of my favorite books below: 101 Dog Tricks by Kyra Sundance and Chalcy. The book provides step-by-step instructions and pictures. Chalcy, Kyra’s dog, sure looks smart. (But I’m pretty sure I’m smarter. Not that it’s a contest or anything.) I also enjoy reading 101 Ways to Do More with your Dog! By Kyra Sundance. This book expands upon activities in which you can engage your dog. I’d like to try some new activities with my upright! My upright and I are also reading the book Chaser by John Pilley. This book is about a Border Collie who knows a thousand words. Chaser even understands phrases and can correctly identify over a thousand nouns. Chaser is my inspiration. I often wonder if my upright had gotten me as a puppy, if I’d know a thousand words. Before I was rescued by my upright, Denise, I spent hours crated. I spent the majority of my puppyhood locked in a crate! But once Denise rescued me, I began to develop my natural curiosity and ability to learn! I do know one phrase quite well, “Go Broncos!” They have a game on Thursday that I look forward to watching. “WOOOOF! WOOF!” Maybe I’ll teach Peyton Manning a trick or two for when he’s on the field!
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Sienna, The Smartest Border Collie!I'm a red and white Border Collie. I love performing with my upright, Denise Gard. I call all humans uprights, just so you know! This blog will detail all of my adventures and contain some useful dog tips for all dog lovers! Archives
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